Unlock Smart Money With Taxes

The easiest way to get a larger tax refund

Muse uses Generative AI to:

Find you every tax deduction

Build a money-saving wealth plan

Puts more money in your pockets

... in minutes!

Your key to unlocking smart financial decisions and
increasing your net worth

Tax and financial planning sit at the intersection of your most important financial and life decisions:
Where you live. Where you work. How you invest. How you save for retirement.
Let's build the right plan for you.

Maximize your tax refund

Maximize your tax deductions the get the largest tax refund or lower the amount owed

Save more

Establish or build savings for retirement, college, down payment a home etc.

Pay off debt

Find the right options to help you reduce or pay off debt like credits cards and loans

Know where you stand

Track your financial progress and learn ways to improve your financial health

Lower your payments

Keep more money in your pocket by lowering your loan payments with the right financial products

Plan for the future

Create a personalized financial plan that puts more money in your pocket and helps you retire earlier.

How it works

Simply upload your tax return

Upload a PDF version of your return and we'll...

Build a personalized financial profile for you

Search for every tax deduction available

Let you know what you missed

Show you how to take advantage of your missed deductions

Stop overpaying taxes

After maximizing your refund and helping you take advantage of deductions you missed, we'll...

Help you minimize your taxes in the future

Create a finanial plan designed to put more money in your pocket

Find financial products that save you money

Connect you to financial experts

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions asked by users.
For more information please contact us.


Is my data secure?

Muse goes the extra mile when it comes to the safe-keeping of our members’ personal information. We use 128-bit or higher bank level encryption to protect during the transmission of data to our site and encrypt data at rest. If we suspect any suspicious activity on your account then we’ll alert you as soon as possible.


How will I know if I got the maximum tax deduction?

Our A.I. reviews your personal situation and applies every deduction available to you. No more wondering if you can deduct something. We'll know for sure. Muse checks to make sure that all deductions and credits are applied and suggests changes that you can make to take advantage of other deductions.


Can you file my tax return for me?

Unfortunately, Muse does not handle tax filings but we have a great network of tax experts from CPAs to Enrolled Agents who can help you take advantage of every deduction we find. All of our experts are verified and have a stellar track record. Muse reviews their credentials to ensure they are who they say they are and they also go through a rigourous vetting process.


Can I go back to a prior year and amend my return?

Yes, the IRS lets you amend up to the past three (3) years of tax returns. If we find you missed deductions, we can connect you to the right experts to amend your returns and claim the money owed to you.

Get In Touch

Please fill out the following form and we will get back to you shortly.
Please contact us for more information.

Email Address:

Office Address:
85 Broad St, New York, NY 10004